Java ME as Mobile Phone Platform?
At last, Sun Microsystems released " Java FX 1.0 "! from If you look into the big pictures of Java FX from Sun, you can see it will works on Java ME also. By using this fantastic new technology from mobile phone, I think Java ME can be a good candidate as a mobile phone software platform. Of course, Java ME is the most available mobile phone software platform already. But, it must be more. This year Google announced Android as an open mobile phone platforms. This includes Linux operating system and Android SDK as software development environments by using Java. But, what if your company don't want to spent time and resources on Linux OS. But, still want to use old but well established simple OS. (for example, REX) How OEM like this can follow new wave of mobile phone software platform - open, object oriented language, tool supports, dynamic updating, good looking and etc. Here is another option. I think the Java ME can be an excellent choice as a mobile phone ...