WWDC 2013 - Advances in Objective-C (404) Summary
Using a Framework
- #import model issue
- Header fragility
- Non-scalable compile time
- pre-compiled headers help significantly - maintenance burden / namespace pollution
Modules solve these issues
- @import iAd;
- Doesn't need to parse headers
- Local macro definitions have no effect on framework API
- Autolinking - don't need to "link binary with libraries"
- Selective import
- @import iAd.ADBannerView;
Using Modules
- #import and #include automatically mapped to @import
- No source changes required
- Mac OS X Mail shows 40% faster compile time with modules - didn't manage pre-compiled headers well
- For old project, enables it manually through the GUI
- Build Settings / Apple LLVM 5.0 - Language - Modules / Enable Modules
- Modules are not available for user framework
Tools support for modernisation
- Edit / Refactor / Convert to Modern Objective-C Syntax …
Explicit Enums
Tagged Pointers
- Added to 64 bit Cocoa
- For small value like objects => stores object in the pointer itself => no malloc/free
- NSNumber, NSDate, etc.
- Performance => 3x times more space efficient, 106 times faster to allocate/destroy
- LSB 4 bits are not used from 64 bit CPU => to align pointer address
- Use the bottom bit as discriminator bit for a tagged pointer
Garbage Collection
- Replaced by ARC
- Deprecated with OS X 10.8
Common CF APIs allow implicit bridging
- Old: NSString *str = (__bridge NSString *)CFDictionaryGetValue(_dict, @"key);
- New: NSString *str = CFDictionaryGetValue(_dict, @"key);
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